The fall
A couple of things I thought about recently in my quest to intertwine the Bible with modern Science. Perhaps more accurate would be modern pseudo-science: the science of the spirit.
First, I've been pondering how a fruit can embue humans with the knowledge that they are naked. I don't know of any substance that can give us that kind of awareness. However, I think there is another explanation. What if, when the serpent said that eating the fruit would make a human like God, he meant by the introduction of a concience - or a spirit. In other words, when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, it signified that humans were ready to receive a spirit. No, slightly different. When humans displayed free will, God had to give us a spirit to help guide us. He had to embue us with part of himself, to make us strong enough to hold off against the hard choices that The Accuser would present to us. It was not the fruit itself that gave Adam and Eve their souls; instead it was a consequence of the choice.
Second, it is often said that Satan was thrown from Heaven because he wished to be God. He wanted to be in control. That makes sense, but usually there is a spark issue. Much like the death of Archiduke Franz Ferdinand "caused" WWI, I believe there was a "cause" to Satan's excommunication from Heaven. I believe that cause was possession. There are a number of cases of demonic posession in the Bible, but no cases of heavenly possession. Granted, the Holy Spirit can fill us, and we can allow it to work through us, but it does not control us. However, demonic posession manifests itself with the demon in control of the body. Perhaps the mention in the Bible where the Sons of God married the Daughters of Men had something to do with humans that were being controlled by soon to be Demons. God probably forbade this practice and Satan and his followers rebelled. They enjoyed humanly pleasures, they enjoyed the power of controlling a physical body. They did not want to stop, so God threw them out of Heaven and banished them to roam the Earth that they worshiped so much.